How often do you need to clean your gutters if they have gutter guards installed?

 Ahhhh, so I see you made the investment into gutter guards did you?…

And now you want to know how often you need to clean said gutters with said gutter guards installed…

I see…

Well, firstly I would like to congratulate you because most homeowners who get gutter guards installed think they never have to do gutter cleaning Frankston again…

So you, my fine friend, are one in a million…

You are not delusional like the rest…

Because, truth be told…

If you have gutter guards installed you’ll still need to get your gutters cleaned every 12 months…

Or you’ll end up like this…

That’s just what you can see poking through the top…


Wait till I show you what’s hiding underneath…


But of course I’m exaggerating aren’t I??

It’s not like this is the norm…


It’s not like I see this every time I clean gutters with gutter guards on them…

Are you starting to get the picture??

The gutter guards keep out all of the leaves but they are a really great filter…

You see, the gutter guards filter out all of the “big stuff” and allow only the best quality top soil to get in and settle in your gutters…

It’s the perfect bedding for a beautiful gutter garden…

But if you have gutter guards and you get your gutters cleaned every 12 months it will look more like this…

This is a home with gutter guards that I clean every 12 months…

It’s a pleasure when it’s like this…

When it’s like this…

Not so much…

And do I have to mention all of the risks of flood and mould spreading through your home when your gutters look like this??

I hope not because I ‘m running out of space on this page…

I’ll save that for another day…

So you there, with the gutter guards…

Make sure you get your gutters cleaned out every 12 months…

Or you’ll end up with an unwanted, yet very impressive gutter garden…

And possible a little more than you bargained for when the next downpour hits your home…

Do I need to show you more pictures?

I will…




If you want gutter cleaning in Frankston you can call me on 0466183548…


I look forward to speaking with you.




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